Border collapse

Utilities for controlling whether table borders should collapse or be separated.

In this article

Class Properties
.border-collapse border-collapse: collapse;
.border-separate border-collapse: separate;


Use .border-collapse to combine adjacent cell borders into a single border when possible, including the borders on the top-level <table> tag.

<table class="table table-bordered border-collapse">
    <th class="border">First name</th>
    <th class="border">Last name</th>
    <td class="border">John</td>
    <td class="border">Doe</td>
    <td class="border">Jane</td>
    <td class="border">Doe</td>

This behavior is applied by default as part of the theme’s base styles.

Use .border-separate to force each cell to display its own separate borders.

<table class="table table-bordered border-separate">
    <th class="border">First name</th>
    <th class="border">Last name</th>
    <td class="border">John</td>
    <td class="border">Doe</td>
    <td class="border">Jane</td>
    <td class="border">Doe</td>


By default, no responsive or hover-state variants are generated for border collapse utilities.


To include responsive variants like .md:border-separate, add "border-collapse to the $responsive-variants variable in your theme’s _variables.scss file when recompiling your CSS:

$responsive-variants: (
  // ...


To include hover-state variants like .hover:border-separate, add "border-collapse" to the $hover-variants variable:

$hover-variants: (
  // ...

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