Min height

Utilities for setting the minimum height of an element.

In this article

Class Properties
.min-h-0 min-height: 0;
.min-h-full min-height: 100%;
.min-h-screen min-height: 100vh;


Use .min-h-0, .min-h-full, or .min-h-screen to set the minimum height of an element.


By default, no responsive or hover-state variants are generated for min height utilities.


To include responsive variants like .md:min-h-full, add "min-height" to the $responsive-variants variable in your theme’s _variables.scss file when recompiling your CSS:

$responsive-variants: (
  // ...


To include hover-state variants like .hover:min-h-full, add "min-height" to the $hover-variants variable when recompiling your CSS:

$hover-variants: (
  // ...

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